A Way to Use Human Design

The ultimate goal for knowing your Human Design is to have a better life, NOT to be knowledgeable about your Human Design chart.

Human Design is an incredible awareness tool that helps us move with life (instead of fighting against our nature). This awareness prompts us to let go of our resistance as we allow life to flow through us. 

There is no stopping the information you can consume in Human Design, but if you aren’t internalizing it and using it to relax into who you are, you aren’t maximizing what Human Design can do for you.

To get the most out of Human Design, use your understanding as a layer in your spiritual and personal development. In my own life, I was able to take my insights from Human Design and use them to eradicate limiting beliefs and ultimately that is what I am here to facilitate for you. Nothing else has made it so clear for me to take the leap into trusting myself.

Human Design gives us the map to our embodiment.

Let Human Design open the door to a transformation on how you see yourself operating in this world. This isn’t about saying, oh I’m a Projector, but not know what that means. I’d rather you forget your energy type, but understand your energy mechanics. This is about understanding who you are at the deepest layer and allowing that to flow freely out of you with love.

When you accept who you are, you’re grounded and present and you reset yourself back to your default settings of ease and peace.

The real catch-22 about Human Design is that you already are your design, so there’s nothing to do. The only thing is to do is stop fighting who you are.

And let me tell you as someone who used to fight like hell against my nature, we’re conditioned to live as far away from our nature as possible. A fact of life is that we’re endlessly fascinated and attracted to everything we aren’t. It then becomes very seductive to spend all our time and resources to become someone we’re not. Letting go of our conditioning sounds easy, but can be hard as hell. We’re addicted to suffering for the most part. Suffering feels familiar. Living life with satisfaction and ease is possible, but it only happens when we let go.

There’s nothing else you need to add to your life. This is about the art of subtraction. What can you remove to free yourself from struggle? From fighting against yourself?

What I’ve noticed and observed from my time in the Human Design world is that we all have a coterie of stories that we tell ourselves. When we begin to surrender, we must let go of our stories and it is truly like giving up a friend (even if you hate that friend) the new space that opens up when we let go can feel frightening in its unfamiliarity.

You have to trust in yourself to keep going into the unknown.

Jennifer Gage

Writer and Human Design reader in Los Angeles, CA


Human Design is a Compass for our Wellbeing


Designing Your Environment to Work for YOU