Transcending into 2021

A reminder that we live in a world created by thought. We co-create with the universe to make our world.

We’re always inventing the future and the only limits we have are our own. Being able to see your limiting beliefs and dissolve them will help you transcend as we move into 2021.

No matter what has happened this year, see the lessons in what you have experienced. If you are experiencing guilt or shame, do your best to let them pass through you.

As you dive into your design, approach this work as a self-led inquiry. This is your self-exploration journey. There is no failing, there is only information.

Remember, we’re all scientists, and understanding our energy is the work we’re here to do.

We’re designed to transcend.

We’re designed to create.

We’re designed to love ourselves.

There is an infinite number of ways that we can express this - we just need to believe it’s possible FOR US.

We’ve all been given a unique purpose and we all have a distinct path.

By developing trust within ourselves, we can stop putting our power in someone else’s hands.

Our bodies are intelligent beings and if we can begin to listen to the wisdom they can offer us, we have the power to embrace a completely new life.

Our stories are being written anew every single day.

What are you ready to release?

What are you inviting in for 2021?

How can you let old identities slip away and step into your genius?

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