Join The Transformation! A 12-week Container to Grow into Your Authentic Self
Our body is in communication with us all the time. What’s difficult to capture online are the nuances of Human Design.
Understanding and learning about your unique Human Design provides the map, but you have to actually live and experience and play around to release your full potential into the world. When I found Human Design, what clicked into place was that our obsession with how the body looks is completely misguided. Exercise, movement, and eating the food that feels good to you IS important, but not for the reason you’ve been told.
Your body is a compass. To *implement* Human Design we have to establish a rapport with our bodies to tune into our own unique guidance. We can’t follow our intuition if we’re existing OUTSIDE of ourselves. If we’ve following someone else’s paradigm, we can’t follow what’s right for US.
As energy beings, becoming aware of this innate intelligence that flows through ALL OF US is the point of Human Design.
As a map it helps make sense of the different messages and pressures we receive, pointing us to see which energies will be consistent versus not.
A reading alone isn’t enough to change your life. It’s a jumping off point.
The purpose of a reading is to get you familiar with your design so you can live from the innate wisdom of your body instead of from the conditioning of your past.
One reading can open your world, but the work doesn’t end there. We’ve got to sift through our energy and connect to our bodies so we aren’t making decisions from a place of pressure, but from our own authority. This is why we made the Transformation. So you’ve got support, community, and accountability, as you find your inner voice.
I am the last person on earth to read Untamed, but when she said, “brave is not asking the crowd what is brave. Brave is deciding for oneself.” That really struck me as the motivation behind The Transformation.
This is the essence of the work that’s done in tandem with deepening your awareness of your own energy system. but I think Glennon captures the nuance that we frequently skip over in the energy world - finding your voice doesn’t make your life easy or perfect, it makes it YOURS.
If you are looking for support as you find your voice, join us. You’ll get a Human Design reading with me, a reading with Jackie and Raisa to identify your blocks, and the patterns you have to break, which naturally will make way for your natural evolution. Taking these steps creates energetic waves that WILL change your life.
You can begin listening to your body wisdom at any moment. I find that through a mix of movement, meditation, and breath work that we can clear out the noise and make a better connection to our energy, which is what I’ll be teaching in my class, Inner Listening.
For me, understanding my design gave me the confidence to know I was on my right path and the strides I’ve been able to make by living WITH my design instead of fighting against it has been absolutely extraordinary. Finding and being in community with people who are also working to find their voice and their path? PRICELESS.
Understanding Conditioning: Body Image + Human Design
I remember distinctly being in 4th grade and the girl next to me in music class lamenting her “fat thighs.”
As I heard this girl tear her body apart, I was struck by what she was saying. I hadn’t really given too much thought to my thighs before this moment and her words drove into me like a wedge.
Was I supposed to hate my body?
PAUSE: Human Design immediately makes me think about childhood body image? YES.
A huge part of living your design is releasing the conditioning that you’ve picked up along the way that pushes you to live in your NOT SELF.
As adults, we know that this 9 year old didn’t authentically hate her “fat thighs,” she was simply reflecting the conditioning of her family and the cultural beliefs that she had absorbed from her environment. Something I reference all the time on my instagram is the Beauty Redefined book and teachings. Lexie and Lindsay Kite, PhD’s have researched exactly how women are taught to self-objectify themselves and the harm that causes.
Finding the beliefs that keep us stuck from being ourselves is one of the first steps needed when you are working towards living YOUR fulfilling life. If you are living in a woman’s body, chances are you need to work through your self-objectifying beliefs so that you can get into your authentic desires and energy.
To connect to our inner voice and guidance, we must be IN and connected to our bodies. Facing memories and beliefs about what keeps us disconnected from our bodies is a HUGE part of the process. It is not pretty, it doesn’t really feel good either, but it is a part of the process that allows you to get to a place of authenticity within yourself and isn’t that the whole point of being alive?
Competition, comparison, body image issues, it all starts YOUNG. It serves as a distraction from living your life. It is also strategically used to oppress women because we can’t move forward if we’re too worried about how we look.
In Human Design terminology, this is called conditioning. We are conditioned to fit in and be acceptable so that we get our needs met. Women believe that their value is tied to how they look and therefore we shut down huge swaths of our authentic selves to divert precious resources to making ourselves “acceptable.” But you are not a stock. Your value does NOT rise and fall in concordance with your physical appearance.
Why does this matter? Conditioning holds us back from being who we are. If we are worried about HOW WE LOOK, then we are not clued into HOW WE FEEL.
How you look may get you rewarded externally for a bit, but tuning into how you FEEL will lead to actually being aligned with your highest self.
When we are in flow we are freely allowing our unique energetic signature to beam into universe with clarity.
When we are living in our NOT SELF, we’re scrambling or hiding our energetic signature - and we’re not calling in the correct opportunities and people for us.
In order to clear out our conditioning so that we’re beaming out a clear signal, we’ve got to get in our bodies to feel our authority so that we’re not overthinking and getting stuck in our conditioning.
Embodiment is the antidote to self-objectification. Striving to live fully in our physical being leads to our full expression of being.
Embodiment is a word thrown around a lot lately. But what does it really mean when someone says this? If we look to the dictionary, we see embody to mean giving a body to a spirit. I see embodiment as a channel to deeper self-understanding. We need to be fully grounded in ourselves (our body) to make decisions that are truly the best for us.
I find it can be helpful if we all understand that embodiment simply means being grounded in our body. Now, this isn’t a seamless transition. It’s taken me a long time to drop my self-objectification and just allow myself to BE. It feels awkward at first to not participate in diet culture. I felt self-conscious to just let my body be - but the more I just allowed myself to be, the more I realized I could hear what my body was saying. I felt what a yes and no was in my body.
Allow embodiment to be a daily practice. Notice how often you are disconnected and watching yourself in life. Gently steer yourself back into the present moment.
What do you feel? I found that slow flow yoga and yin yoga really helped me connect into my physical being. A physical practice of any kind that helps you be present and in the moment will help you connect to your inner voice.
Want to learn more? Let’s chat
Shift into Your Body, Shift into Your Innate Worth + Connect with Your intuition
Letting go of weight loss, your ‘ideal body,’ and why loving yourself as you are right now is the key to getting through to your intuition
The biggest myth we face in our culture right now is that changing your external body will shift your internal worth.
OOF, this crock of SHIT… Y’all, if I could wave a magic wand right now and fix one thing, it would be to lift the veil and show anyone that believes changing their body will change their confidence how flawed that logic is.
Letting go of weight loss, your ‘ideal body,’ and why loving yourself as you are right now is the key to getting through to your intuition
The biggest myth we face in our culture right now is that changing your external body will shift your internal worth.
OOF, this crock of SHIT… Y’all, if I could wave a magic wand right now and fix one thing, it would be to lift the veil and show anyone that believes changing their body will change their confidence how flawed that logic is.
First, if you are in IF then thinking or When then thinking, you’ve got it twisted. We must love AS WE ARE in order to move forward in our authenticity. Being rooted in the present is the only way we can be in touch with who we are. If we’re living for a future that hasn’t arrived, we’re missing the power in the present moment.
Loving your body right now and celebrating what it can do is how you connect to your intuition and find real confidence from within.
Not only does weight loss not solve confidence issues, but being overly focused on your appearance and controlling your body’s shape can be deeply damaging to your intuitive abilities. If you only see your body as an external appearance, you are cutting yourself off from your own power.
As someone who chased the thinness ideal for most of my life, I can tell you firsthand that this is myth. A new body will not improve your life. The only way to move the needle on your confidence is to look at your internal programming.
Despite the messages you’ve been receiving your entire life to the contrary, attaining a certain external look is never going to make you whole. Chasing thinness and youth is a losing game because you are making a tacit agreement that thinness and youth are “better” than growing old or having your body present differently that the cultural standard and ideals presented through mainstream advertising. (If you aren’t familiar with the work from Lindsay and Lexie Kite, who have literally written the book about self-objectification, check out Beauty Redefined, right now)
Your worth comes from within and it starts by being inside of your body instead of focusing on how you present to others. The biggest leap I made in my self-confidence and living my life for me, came when I began to understand this and integrate it into my life.
You do not have to change how you look to feel good about your body and about your life - you have to change how you look at yourself.
It’s not about how you look or how others perceive you, it’s about how you feel. If you need help with this, go on Instagram and see all the influencers who are outside of the very narrow mainstream beauty standards that are living their best lives and loving themselves.
What we want isn’t to fit the beauty standard, it is self-love. We conflate beauty standards and accepted norms as self-love and that’s why so many people are trapped on a hamster wheel of despair that they don’t know how to get off.
THE GOOD NEWS. THERE IS AN EXIT. You can unplug from these wild standards and start living from your authenticity (it does take practice and time, so be patient)
We transform our day to day experience when we shift from living outside of ourselves to living in our body. If you’re stuck as an observer to your life, you’re losing out on truly living your life.
The culture we live in disconnects us from our body, deceiving us into believing that our body must look a certain way before we can achieve our goals.
We take our power back when we root back into our bodies and connect with our innate power within.
If you do not connect to your physical experience, you cannot connect to your intuition. GO BACK AND READ THAT AGAIN.
IF YOU DO NOT CONNECT TO YOUR BODY AND LIVE INSIDE YOUR PHYSICAL BEING, YOU ARE CUTTING YOURSELF OFF FROM YOUR POWER SOURCE. I know this because I lived outside of myself for most of my adult life. I was watching my life as a 3rd party instead of living firsthand in my own body.
If you are disconnected to your body, it’s likely for very good reason. We shift out of our bodies for many reasons, trauma being one of the big reasons and diet culture being another. If you’ve grown up in a woman’s body - then you’ve grown up in a world that has trained you to objectify yourself. Women learn and internalize from a young age that how men perceive you is your value (thanks patriarchy) While this is not true, it’s a powerful message that has been perpetuated in the media and is used to keep women small. (Another reading recommendation - Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski)
If we are so self-focused on how we are perceived, than we cannot enjoy our lives fully. Living fully happens when we let go of what it looks like and enjoy the physical experience of being present and in our bodies. We cannot go full throttle on accomplishing our goals if we’re too distracted trying to make ourselves acceptable from the outside.
I spent years on the loop of believing that my worth came from my external appearance until it dawned on me that all that pressure I was putting on myself was slowly killing me, what was the point of trying to look good if I didn’t FEEL GOOD?!?!
My brain was dedicated to beating myself up and there wasn’t any space to really let loose and enjoy my life. I was living my life as an observer to myself - stage mothering myself; over-controlling every move, worried about how others might perceive me instead of living from my heart and body.
I was so miserable I had to give up. What was the point? What was all of "this” performance for? Certainly it wasn’t for me. If my life wasn’t for my enjoyment, then what? When I let go of trying to be everything for everyone else, I opened up space to truly find out what it meant to be me.
Your worth isn’t what someone else thinks. Your worth and experience is centered in being YOU.
It takes time to let go of your old mindset that keeps you small and build a new one that supports you.
If this is new work for you (and even if it’s not) being gentle leads to more growth than being harsh on yourself (trust me, I’ve done both).
Practice + Reflection Questions:
How can you be kind to yourself and your body today?
Are you listening to the messages your body is sending or are you too worried about what it looks like to listen?
If you know you aren’t treating your body with respect - see what happens if you get curious about what’s happening in your body instead of having expectations.
Who benefits from your negative self-talk to your body?
If you’ve got the time today - assess your relationship to your body and your intuition. Are you expecting your body to be something different than what it is? Why? How is that affecting your ability to listen inward?
Shifting into the driver’s seat of your life is letting go of any external expectations and checking in with your energy and needs. Affirm that you are making progress just by considering these questions.