A few days ago I caught my reflection in the mirror last night and decided to document it. I paused a moment to think about how far I’ve come. It wasn’t so long ago that I was so painfully self-conscious that I could not relax. I was on high alert wondering how I was being perceived, because we live in a beauty obsessed world that is engineered to drive everyone insane.
sending reverence to myself
When I was younger I would get as close to the mirror as possible and examine all my “flaws.” Not shockingly, this would send my self-esteem into a death spiral 🌀
It’s taken a lot of time for me to come to a place of peace and now celebration and love when I see my face and body. I hate that this is the world we live in - a place that’s making us sick through manufactured self hate. BUT through self-care practices (big fan of mirror work for clearing out negative self talk on appearance) and anti-diet philosophy - when I catch my reflection I now send reverence to myself.
This world puts too much pressure on us all to conform to norms - in my own work and in magic body method - this is about finding your own rhythm 🥁 - so that when you catch your reflection - you want to celebrate yourself or at least be like, hey that’s me, cool 😎
As Louise Hay says, “the point of power is always in the present moment.” magic body method is the prerequisite to being present.
In order to harness our magic and our power and truly work with the infinite resources that exist for us - we must be in our bodies.
We must ground ourselves in the now.
If you’ve protected yourself through disassociating, or are always future tripping, you need to FIRST practice being in your body. I’ve noticed in my own work and with my clients that no one is addressing this HUGE STEP of practicing being in the moment!!!
Magic Body Method is for those who need to work on letting go and being present without losing themselves to a future that doesn’t yet exist. Once you can be fully present, THEN you can begin to unlock your deeper levels of magic. if you’re ready to stop hating yourself and hop off the loop of beating yourself up - come join. Let’s have some fun.