Using the Wisdom from the Open and Undefined Centers in Human Design
Open + Undefined Centers:
We’re driven to get what we don’t have. If you look at your chart versus your friend’s or your partner’s chart, I bet they will have gates and energy centers that “complete” your own personal chart.
We are deeply attracted to what we don’t have, it drives us to improve, it drives us forward but we can’t let the quest for what we don’t have overtake us, we can’t let it diminish us, or let it turn off our light.
When we are driven by the mind (which is an illusion, we never have control) we can get caught up operating out of a lack mentality.I believe this is what fuels rampant consumerism, this drive to fill this void, this need to be externally validated that will never stop until we learn to work within our own internal framework.
Our wisdom comes from an ability to accept our own humanity.
The wabi-sabi. We begin to stop the hemorrhaging when we learn to accept our own limitations. It’s not the same as giving up, but it is surrendering. Surrendering to the idea that maybe our mind doesn’t know all the answers. When we honor our body’s wisdom, we can see our gifts more clearly. I love Human Design because it’s a framework that honors all the ways we can be smart. School + social conditioning tamp down our inclinations for individualism, forcing us to be measured through testing. We have all these measures of success out there - success metrics however set up a system of winners and losers. We must widen the societal acceptance for success.
Human Design: freedom through living as yourself
Human Design appeals to me because it’s proof that we’re all designed to be different.
As I child I felt so frustrated that my peers didn’t see how silly “favorites” were. Why limit yourself to one of anything? Didn’t they see how arbitrary picking one thing and elevating it over another was?
Why do we decide that one thing is important and special to the exclusion of other things?
This question has nagged me my whole life.
When I found Human Design I felt relief.
Relief that someone was finally seeing something my way - that we all are designed with unique talents, gifts, and views that bring something into this world.
Everyone is created to bring in a specific energy signature into the world. We all make an impact and play an integral part of the universal plan. Everything is interconnected. Nothing is better than anything else - everything holds value and purpose.
We could have so much more joy in our lives and in the world if we recognized that everyone brings a special flavor of perspective and talent into the world. If we recognized our own talents and didn’t look to try and make our talents look like someone else’s.
The root cause of a lot of suffering is living in the not self. We’re attracted and seduced by what we aren’t. A pothole so many people fall prey to is believing you build character through conquering what you aren’t good at - whether through competitive forces or through believing a cultural narrative that arbitrarily elevates certain career paths and traits over others.
I grew up in the Christian faith and the parable of the three servants is something that bubbles up constantly when I think about Human Design and feeling satisfied in life. We are given gifts in life and it is not about comparing ourselves to others, it’s about using what we have and sharing our talent with others that brings joy and satisfaction.
We’ve been so browbeat by narrative or linear thinking to realize that there are so many ways to be successful.
We will always be seduced by what other people can do because we don’t live in a vacuum. Recognizing that you are attracted to something isn’t the same thing as needing to be that thing.
MY PHILOSOPHY IS SIMPLE (and borrowed from that parable mentioned above):
We’ll all be happier people if we accept who we are and explore what it means to be on earth with the set of energetic tools we’ve been given.
We all have talents, dreams, and wishes for our time - are you following those urges and desires or are you brushing them off?
We’re not meant to live a life to please our families or external sources.
We’re here to express our inner well of joy, creativity, and passion.
Ready to let your inner talents free? Book a session with me.
Human Design is a Compass for our Wellbeing
What I love about working with my clients and Human Design is that we always end up at the heart of who you are. I see Human Design as a cosmic compass pointing to who we were all underneath the layers of conditioning and expectations we heap on ourselves (intentionally and not).
Sometimes we need a reintroduction to who we are and sometimes all we need is permission to embrace what makes us special. The beating heart of my sessions is a constant - we can run from who we are, we can bury who we are, we can hate who we are - but we are who we are.
What I love about working with my clients and Human Design is that we always end up at the heart of who you are. I see Human Design as a cosmic compass pointing to who we were all underneath the layers of conditioning and expectations we heap on ourselves (intentionally and not).
Sometimes we need a reintroduction to who we are and sometimes all we need is permission to embrace what makes us special. The beating heart of my sessions is a constant - we can run from who we are, we can bury who we are, we can hate who we are - but we are who we are.
The best course forward is to love who we are. In all my career paths, this is the lesson that I’ve learned, and it gets deeper every year. As a teacher, I found that the students who got the most out of their assignments were the students who were willing to learn from their mistakes and honestly assess their shortcomings. These students didn’t see their work as personal failings, they understood it was a marker in time and they could use the information to make the next piece that much more interesting. Students who found a personal interest in what they were doing were also more successful because they were able to integrate the information and the lessons fully.
As a fitness instructor, I saw the same thing. The students who could take critical feedback on their form and didn’t take it personally grew stronger and typically didn’t injure themselves. Being able to see yourself honestly allows you to move forward effectively and efficiently.
The clients who were in denial about their abilities didn’t get better. Something I saw both in fitness classes and teaching school is the people who can mimic the work without integrating it. Some students have learned to get through school by sheer memorizing, but they don’t really conceptually understand what they’ve put forth. The same thing happens in fitness classes; there are clients who can mimic the work and appear to be doing the exercises but are actually just performing. The real strength just isn’t there, they are superficially executing the moves. It may feel good to look like you’re doing it, but I believe you know deep down when your work isn’t more than surface level.
True wellbeing isn’t a performance. Moving from external performance to internal integration takes humility and perseverance. We must be willing to make mistakes, learn from our mistakes, and approach life like a scientist in a lab; trying different ways without attaching to our expectations. If a scientist keeps trying one way and doesn’t allow for flexibility, trying multiple avenues and different materials, they will never make progress. If we get hung up on a certain set of beliefs, we become stagnant and stuck. Change and evolution is the only constant in life. Don’t get stuck in the past because you can’t adapt to the now.
If you are stuck in the past, Human Design can help you identify where you are stuck. We come back to who we are when we live in alignment with who we are instead of living against who we are.
I love Human Design because when I began to study my own blend of energy, I was able to release a lot of conditioning that had been holding me back. Human Design is the anchor that drives me to keep going and continue to stake my own claim on life. It alone isn’t a tool of transformation, but it is the map, showing us what we are working towards. It gives us signposts that we can use to know when we’re on our way and when we’re moving away from our authenticity.
When we layer that Human Design map with our self-care practices, we can facilitate our own healing. We can transform.
You are meant to be the expert and authority on yourself. By having an understanding of your key energies (through knowing your own Human Design) you can trust yourself more. You won‘t need to follow someone else’s advice or be driven to tick boxes. We can develop a deeper understanding of what we’re releasing and what we’re inviting in. Just like working with intentions, when we know what we’re working towards, we have a better chance of getting there. We can cut out distractions and we can spot the tools we need on our journey.
Have you ever accidentally turned down a blessing? Been invited somewhere or given an opportunity and squandered it because you just didn’t understand how to use it?
Human Design gives us the map so that we see the value in doing self-care, it becomes the WHY.
Why do I want to take care of my body? (So I can hear my own intuition and authority instead of being driven by old programming and internalized voices from my youth)
Why do I want to practice movement like Pilates and yoga? (So that I am able to release stuck emotions and energy, clearing out the stuck energy so I can feel more myself)
Why do I want to do breathwork and meditation? (So I can feel comfortable with my emotions and recognize that I am not my thoughts)
When we understand WHY we are doing something, it becomes inherently more meaningful. When we know WHAT we are working towards, we feel energized and inspired. Our life isn’t about harmonizing our body, mind & soul, it’s what happens once we’ve found that harmony. We won’t always live in harmony, but when we understand how to bring ourselves back to alignment, we won’t be spending all our time striving for it. I’m interested in what happens once we’ve created a firm foundation for ourselves. How do we grow and expand and express ourselves? What can you do in the world once you feel safe being you?
The Projector aura is here to know the other. It’s what we’re designed to do while here in these earthly bodies.
If you are a Projector, understanding how your aura works is critical intel for your health and wellbeing. Why? Projectors operate so differently from the other energy types. Finding out you are a Projector is usually a watershed moment in your personal timeline.
The Projector aura is shaped like a knife. Extending outward from your heart, it reaches out to the other. This energetic shape gives Projectors their ability to see. Our aura cuts through the other auras to see directly to the heart of whoever is in our direct path.
This makes us powerful, but as they say, with great power comes great responsibility. And just like a knife, it cuts both ways. We can get ourselves into a lot of trouble if we don’t learn how to properly utilize our auras. As a Projector, there should be an oath to protect our aura like a doctor takes the Hippocratic oath. First, do no harm.
The Projector aura is here to know the other. It’s what we’re designed to do while here in these earthly bodies.
If you are a Projector, understanding how your aura works is critical intel for your health and wellbeing. Why? Projectors operate so differently from the other energy types. Finding out you are a Projector is usually a watershed moment in your personal timeline.
The Projector aura is shaped like a knife. Extending outward from your heart, it reaches out to the other. This energetic shape gives Projectors their ability to see. Our aura cuts through the other auras to see directly to the heart of whoever is in our direct path.
This makes us powerful, but as they say, with great power comes great responsibility. And just like a knife, it cuts both ways. We can get ourselves into a lot of trouble if we don’t learn how to properly utilize our auras. As a Projector, there should be an oath to protect our aura like a doctor takes the Hippocratic oath. First, do no harm.
The way our aura is shaped means we are exceptionally open to the energy and influence of conditioning. The aura is designed to operate on a one-to-one basis, locking into the other and allowing attention and information to flow. The gift of the Projector aura is attention.
We don’t get power without a serious check to ours. When we cut through to others, we’re also opening ourselves up to the energy we’re examining. We’re completely vulnerable. This is why we MUST understand recognition and the invitation.
When I have a conversation, an energetic vortex forms around me. I literally lock in place. I am hooked into another person’s energy and aura. I am deeply listening and that person has ALL MY ATTENTION. A Projector’s attention and focus is a force. If you are with a Projector, all of a sudden you’ve told them your whole life story and they’ve listened.
(Two projectors who recognize each other? Pretty much immediately in each other’s circle of trust, at least that’s my experience).
Because of the powerful force that is created, Projectors must learn to only dive into the other when invited. We can’t take it personally if someone doesn’t lock in with us. Our frequency just doesn’t resonate with theirs.
Think of it this way, we don’t want doctors going around performing surgery without consent, so why should we force our way into an aura that’s not open to us?
Recognition is a portal. Use recognition to understand who is open to you and who is not. If you are not recognized, wait, because someone else will be with you shortly.
If you learned the Projector strategy and your heart fell, understand that this is to protect everyone. The invitation makes sure everyone is operating from a place of their highest good.
Diving deep into the other is not meant to be done with reckless abandon.
Just as we have free will to choose our doctor and when to seek treatment (or not), not everyone is meant to interact with your aura. We are designed to interact with those who recognize and invite us into their lives. Respect those who aren’t meant to benefit from your attention (it’s a waste of your time anyway).
Being a Projector can sometimes feel like a riddle. You must recognize yourself first before you can be healthily recognized by others. Do you know the saying about looking to others to fill your cup? That is extremely important for Projectors.
There’s a reason Ra said Projectors are the most troubled. This is because we’re the only energy type that NEEDS ATTENTION AND RECOGNITION TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE. One of my favorite Human Design teachers says Projectors are needy little bitches. LOL. YUP.
The riddle comes into play because while we do need recognition from others if we don’t do the self-work to recognizing ourselves first, we’re setting ourselves up for imminent disaster.
Most of us do not receive proper recognition training, so this becomes our biggest place of reprogramming. Attention is our life force and can also lead to our destruction. I know that sounds so harsh, but it’s true. (PS, ARE YOU RAISING A PROJECTOR? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GIVE YOUR CHILD QUALITY ONE-ON-ONE ATTENTION, THIS IS FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY.)
If we’re indiscriminately looking for attention, we can get sucked into some bad shit. We’re going to override our body’s natural authority just to get that hit of attention. I know this because I’ve done it. It feels horrible. We must learn to find the right attention and the right attention begins with yourself.
Two things to consider with your attention:
1) know that it can attract narcissists who find our particular brand of attention is like energetic heroin. If you’ve found yourself in a negative feedback loop with a narcissist, you’ve got to cut the tie. The connection isn’t healthy. They are basking in your attention and sapping your energy that could be applied to something much better for you.
2) a distracted Projector is getting faulty intel and that can be dangerous. Do not lock into someone unless you are ready to jump in 100%. Reading someone when you’re not properly locked in leads to poor guidance and bad vibes. REMEMBER, RECOGNITION IS A TWO WAY STREET.
When the connection is right and healthy - everyone leaves the interaction feeling renewed, energized, with that warm, fuzzy feeling. Not feeling warm and fuzzy? Probs not getting recognized for your authentic spirit.
When you are alone, listen to your own guidance and connect with your heart. How do you want to be seen? Being alone in your own aura space is necessary to protect your health, reset from energy, and to rebuild your internal resources. When we interact with others it is an energetic exchange, so it takes time to release that energy back to the universe and reset your system back to its natural settings.
In a perfect world, most Projectors would hang out by themselves working on their craft and then get a call into action. When the call comes in you check with yourself - is this person seeing me? If it’s a yes, proceed. IF this person doesn’t see you for you, LEAVE ‘EM ON READ.
If you’re reading this and you AREN’T a Projector - let’s talk about how to interact effectively with a Projector.
When you recognize a Projector and seek them out - you create beautiful synergy (and PS the perfect pairing is a Generator + a Projector - we complement the shit out of each other).
A Projector is activated by your life force through recognition and invitation. Call a Projector when you want advice or guidance. Do you need someone to see the context and the big picture? Get yourself a Projector. Projectors are masters of systems. They’ve taken the time to read the manual so to speak. We’re 20% of the population - so we’re energetic outliers. We’re great consultants.
Once activated, the Projector provides guidance based on their vision. The gift of the aligned Projector is vision: guidance through a new way of seeing. Projectors have a sphere of mastery which is their life work.
If you are a Projector and you’re trying to understand what your life work is - start to think about when people are seeking you out for advice.
What do people want your take on? Journal and track when you’ve been recognized.
As you wait for your recognition and invitations, open up space in your life for your own joy.
Projector vision is as much a blessing as it is a curse because as deeply as we see the other, we *think* we see ourselves, but we don’t.
So when you’re in that period between invites - explore your interests! Do something that makes you feel good.
Your job as a Projector is to get in alignment with yourself so that you are ready for those invites and have the discernment to know when you’re being correctly recognized.