Learning to trust your aura when you’re a control freak
The wisdom of 2020 for me has been all about trust.
As a Projector, my aura strategy is to wait for the invitation. The way I learned to trust my aura was through hindsight.
If I force my will without an invitation, it’s pretty inevitable that things will get real dicey.
As an impatient control freak and (recovering) perfectionist learning to let go of my conditioning that puts pressure on me to do all the things, all the time has been a herculean task, but extremely rewarding as I lean into trusting that I don’t have to do it all.
So this summer, when I was feeling particularly bitter (because all my action wasn’t immediately paying off in the ways I wanted it to), I decided I had one option I hadn’t tried: FULL SURRENDER INTO MY STRATEGY.
If you're a control freak, raise your hand.
[Image Description: Tim Meadows as Mr. Duvall in Mean Girls reluctantly raises his hand that is wrapped in a soft cast]
It looks like...Oh, all of us?
The wisdom of 2020 for me has been all about trust.
As a Projector, my aura strategy is to wait for the invitation. The way I learned to trust my aura was through hindsight.
If I force my will without an invitation, it’s pretty inevitable that things will get real dicey.
As an impatient control freak and (recovering) perfectionist learning to let go of my conditioning that puts pressure on me to do all the things, all the time has been a herculean task, but extremely rewarding as I lean into trusting that I don’t have to do it all.
So this summer, when I was feeling particularly bitter (because all my action wasn’t immediately paying off in the ways I wanted it to), I decided I had one option I hadn’t tried: FULL SURRENDER INTO MY STRATEGY.
[Image Description: Macaulay Culkin in his iconic role in Home Alone holds his face in sheer terror]
I was ready to ACTUALLY let go, Not just let go where I felt comfortable, but truly let go and let god, if you will.
What has followed of course is exactly what we talk about in sessions: THE MAGIC HAPPENS WHEN WE SURRENDER.
When we’re not getting our desired result, it’s time to try something new. For most of us, trying something new means slowing down, letting go of control and allowing ourselves to become receptive.
The lesson that floated to me as I read about string theory and the art of doing less this summer, is that what is most helpful is the opposite of what we think we need to do.
What followed when I finally stopped meddling in my own life? A ton of magic.
I've naturally expanded my professional and personal network with super lovely people across the globe and here in Austin, found myself on the receiving end of beautiful invitations and opportunities and I've been reminded yet again that the more I trust, the more my aura does the hard work for me.
Everyone has this ability. It's the art of subtraction.
[TL;DR: When the ways we are used to operating keep landing us the same frustrating results, it's time to stop trying and start allowing.]
If you're accustomed to doing the most and it's not providing the results you want, it’s probably time to experiment with doing less.
You aren't meant to do it all. You've got a specific zone of genius that you operate in and so do others. If we're out here trying to do everyone's job, we're blocking our own magic.
We all have different magnets in our aura calling in people and opportunities at all times. If we can slow down and release our expectations and control, those magnets can really get to work.
In my clarity sessions, we go over all the different places that you have magnets pulling the resources you need to you.
No matter where you are with your Human Design journey you can experiment with doing less and see what the universe serves up.
The Projector aura is here to know the other. It’s what we’re designed to do while here in these earthly bodies.
If you are a Projector, understanding how your aura works is critical intel for your health and wellbeing. Why? Projectors operate so differently from the other energy types. Finding out you are a Projector is usually a watershed moment in your personal timeline.
The Projector aura is shaped like a knife. Extending outward from your heart, it reaches out to the other. This energetic shape gives Projectors their ability to see. Our aura cuts through the other auras to see directly to the heart of whoever is in our direct path.
This makes us powerful, but as they say, with great power comes great responsibility. And just like a knife, it cuts both ways. We can get ourselves into a lot of trouble if we don’t learn how to properly utilize our auras. As a Projector, there should be an oath to protect our aura like a doctor takes the Hippocratic oath. First, do no harm.
The Projector aura is here to know the other. It’s what we’re designed to do while here in these earthly bodies.
If you are a Projector, understanding how your aura works is critical intel for your health and wellbeing. Why? Projectors operate so differently from the other energy types. Finding out you are a Projector is usually a watershed moment in your personal timeline.
The Projector aura is shaped like a knife. Extending outward from your heart, it reaches out to the other. This energetic shape gives Projectors their ability to see. Our aura cuts through the other auras to see directly to the heart of whoever is in our direct path.
This makes us powerful, but as they say, with great power comes great responsibility. And just like a knife, it cuts both ways. We can get ourselves into a lot of trouble if we don’t learn how to properly utilize our auras. As a Projector, there should be an oath to protect our aura like a doctor takes the Hippocratic oath. First, do no harm.
The way our aura is shaped means we are exceptionally open to the energy and influence of conditioning. The aura is designed to operate on a one-to-one basis, locking into the other and allowing attention and information to flow. The gift of the Projector aura is attention.
We don’t get power without a serious check to ours. When we cut through to others, we’re also opening ourselves up to the energy we’re examining. We’re completely vulnerable. This is why we MUST understand recognition and the invitation.
When I have a conversation, an energetic vortex forms around me. I literally lock in place. I am hooked into another person’s energy and aura. I am deeply listening and that person has ALL MY ATTENTION. A Projector’s attention and focus is a force. If you are with a Projector, all of a sudden you’ve told them your whole life story and they’ve listened.
(Two projectors who recognize each other? Pretty much immediately in each other’s circle of trust, at least that’s my experience).
Because of the powerful force that is created, Projectors must learn to only dive into the other when invited. We can’t take it personally if someone doesn’t lock in with us. Our frequency just doesn’t resonate with theirs.
Think of it this way, we don’t want doctors going around performing surgery without consent, so why should we force our way into an aura that’s not open to us?
Recognition is a portal. Use recognition to understand who is open to you and who is not. If you are not recognized, wait, because someone else will be with you shortly.
If you learned the Projector strategy and your heart fell, understand that this is to protect everyone. The invitation makes sure everyone is operating from a place of their highest good.
Diving deep into the other is not meant to be done with reckless abandon.
Just as we have free will to choose our doctor and when to seek treatment (or not), not everyone is meant to interact with your aura. We are designed to interact with those who recognize and invite us into their lives. Respect those who aren’t meant to benefit from your attention (it’s a waste of your time anyway).
Being a Projector can sometimes feel like a riddle. You must recognize yourself first before you can be healthily recognized by others. Do you know the saying about looking to others to fill your cup? That is extremely important for Projectors.
There’s a reason Ra said Projectors are the most troubled. This is because we’re the only energy type that NEEDS ATTENTION AND RECOGNITION TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE. One of my favorite Human Design teachers says Projectors are needy little bitches. LOL. YUP.
The riddle comes into play because while we do need recognition from others if we don’t do the self-work to recognizing ourselves first, we’re setting ourselves up for imminent disaster.
Most of us do not receive proper recognition training, so this becomes our biggest place of reprogramming. Attention is our life force and can also lead to our destruction. I know that sounds so harsh, but it’s true. (PS, ARE YOU RAISING A PROJECTOR? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GIVE YOUR CHILD QUALITY ONE-ON-ONE ATTENTION, THIS IS FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY.)
If we’re indiscriminately looking for attention, we can get sucked into some bad shit. We’re going to override our body’s natural authority just to get that hit of attention. I know this because I’ve done it. It feels horrible. We must learn to find the right attention and the right attention begins with yourself.
Two things to consider with your attention:
1) know that it can attract narcissists who find our particular brand of attention is like energetic heroin. If you’ve found yourself in a negative feedback loop with a narcissist, you’ve got to cut the tie. The connection isn’t healthy. They are basking in your attention and sapping your energy that could be applied to something much better for you.
2) a distracted Projector is getting faulty intel and that can be dangerous. Do not lock into someone unless you are ready to jump in 100%. Reading someone when you’re not properly locked in leads to poor guidance and bad vibes. REMEMBER, RECOGNITION IS A TWO WAY STREET.
When the connection is right and healthy - everyone leaves the interaction feeling renewed, energized, with that warm, fuzzy feeling. Not feeling warm and fuzzy? Probs not getting recognized for your authentic spirit.
When you are alone, listen to your own guidance and connect with your heart. How do you want to be seen? Being alone in your own aura space is necessary to protect your health, reset from energy, and to rebuild your internal resources. When we interact with others it is an energetic exchange, so it takes time to release that energy back to the universe and reset your system back to its natural settings.
In a perfect world, most Projectors would hang out by themselves working on their craft and then get a call into action. When the call comes in you check with yourself - is this person seeing me? If it’s a yes, proceed. IF this person doesn’t see you for you, LEAVE ‘EM ON READ.
If you’re reading this and you AREN’T a Projector - let’s talk about how to interact effectively with a Projector.
When you recognize a Projector and seek them out - you create beautiful synergy (and PS the perfect pairing is a Generator + a Projector - we complement the shit out of each other).
A Projector is activated by your life force through recognition and invitation. Call a Projector when you want advice or guidance. Do you need someone to see the context and the big picture? Get yourself a Projector. Projectors are masters of systems. They’ve taken the time to read the manual so to speak. We’re 20% of the population - so we’re energetic outliers. We’re great consultants.
Once activated, the Projector provides guidance based on their vision. The gift of the aligned Projector is vision: guidance through a new way of seeing. Projectors have a sphere of mastery which is their life work.
If you are a Projector and you’re trying to understand what your life work is - start to think about when people are seeking you out for advice.
What do people want your take on? Journal and track when you’ve been recognized.
As you wait for your recognition and invitations, open up space in your life for your own joy.
Projector vision is as much a blessing as it is a curse because as deeply as we see the other, we *think* we see ourselves, but we don’t.
So when you’re in that period between invites - explore your interests! Do something that makes you feel good.
Your job as a Projector is to get in alignment with yourself so that you are ready for those invites and have the discernment to know when you’re being correctly recognized.