Posts tagged Wait for the Invitation
Learning to trust your aura when you’re a control freak

The wisdom of 2020 for me has been all about trust.

As a Projector, my aura strategy is to wait for the invitation. The way I learned to trust my aura was through hindsight.

If I force my will without an invitation, it’s pretty inevitable that things will get real dicey.

As an impatient control freak and (recovering) perfectionist learning to let go of my conditioning that puts pressure on me to do all the things, all the time has been a herculean task, but extremely rewarding as I lean into trusting that I don’t have to do it all.

So this summer, when I was feeling particularly bitter (because all my action wasn’t immediately paying off in the ways I wanted it to), I decided I had one option I hadn’t tried: FULL SURRENDER INTO MY STRATEGY.

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The Projector aura is here to know the other. It’s what we’re designed to do while here in these earthly bodies.

If you are a Projector, understanding how your aura works is critical intel for your health and wellbeing. Why? Projectors operate so differently from the other energy types. Finding out you are a Projector is usually a watershed moment in your personal timeline.

The Projector aura is shaped like a knife. Extending outward from your heart, it reaches out to the other. This energetic shape gives Projectors their ability to see. Our aura cuts through the other auras to see directly to the heart of whoever is in our direct path.

This makes us powerful, but as they say, with great power comes great responsibility. And just like a knife, it cuts both ways. We can get ourselves into a lot of trouble if we don’t learn how to properly utilize our auras. As a Projector, there should be an oath to protect our aura like a doctor takes the Hippocratic oath. First, do no harm.


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