OoF, clearly it's been hard to follow up on my last post from mid October. How do I top my reveal that summer of YOLO came complete with new life changing love? Perhaps one doesn't, but my journey continues. My love and I moved in together in October and we got engaged! Are we crazy? Of course! We moved in and got engaged after essentially knowing each other for 6 weeks. I counter anyone's skepticism with this - if you knew this was the person for you, why would you wait? And I mean that seriously, why would you wait? We were both ready to start our lives together.
I'm so excited to be engaged, to have a partner that I love and trust and want to marry, and it's crazy that here I am, the time has come for me and it's just like, holy moses, where is the playbook for this?
I know when I was single I would read how planning a wedding is stressful and honestly I didn't believe it. I was like, it's a party and you invite everyone you know and you get to wear an awesome dress? WHERE IS THE BAD AND WHY ARE PEOPLE COMPLAINING?
First, as someone who likes to know all the options before I make any decisions, let's first establish that it is incredibly overwhelming just trying to get a handle on the amount of wedding content out there. Where to begin? Magazines? Pinterest? Instagram? Apps? Blogs? Books? IT IS ABSOLUTELY TOO MUCH TO FILTER THROUGH.
I've already abandoned about 15 different distinct wedding ideas already. I am hoping we get married this fall but as weddings need significant lead time and I don't even have my "vision" yet, me thinks it might be pushed out to spring 2019.
Also, I wanted to include clips from Portlandia's "Cool Wedding" episode, but YOU HAVE TO HAVE HULU AND I FEEL LIKE THAT'S A BIG AGGRESSIVE.
So, that's the latest update on my romantic life, Stay tuned for more updates on wedding planning.