Join The Transformation! A 12-week Container to Grow into Your Authentic Self
Our body is in communication with us all the time. What’s difficult to capture online are the nuances of Human Design.
Understanding and learning about your unique Human Design provides the map, but you have to actually live and experience and play around to release your full potential into the world. When I found Human Design, what clicked into place was that our obsession with how the body looks is completely misguided. Exercise, movement, and eating the food that feels good to you IS important, but not for the reason you’ve been told.
Your body is a compass. To *implement* Human Design we have to establish a rapport with our bodies to tune into our own unique guidance. We can’t follow our intuition if we’re existing OUTSIDE of ourselves. If we’ve following someone else’s paradigm, we can’t follow what’s right for US.
As energy beings, becoming aware of this innate intelligence that flows through ALL OF US is the point of Human Design.
As a map it helps make sense of the different messages and pressures we receive, pointing us to see which energies will be consistent versus not.
A reading alone isn’t enough to change your life. It’s a jumping off point.
The purpose of a reading is to get you familiar with your design so you can live from the innate wisdom of your body instead of from the conditioning of your past.
One reading can open your world, but the work doesn’t end there. We’ve got to sift through our energy and connect to our bodies so we aren’t making decisions from a place of pressure, but from our own authority. This is why we made the Transformation. So you’ve got support, community, and accountability, as you find your inner voice.
I am the last person on earth to read Untamed, but when she said, “brave is not asking the crowd what is brave. Brave is deciding for oneself.” That really struck me as the motivation behind The Transformation.
This is the essence of the work that’s done in tandem with deepening your awareness of your own energy system. but I think Glennon captures the nuance that we frequently skip over in the energy world - finding your voice doesn’t make your life easy or perfect, it makes it YOURS.
If you are looking for support as you find your voice, join us. You’ll get a Human Design reading with me, a reading with Jackie and Raisa to identify your blocks, and the patterns you have to break, which naturally will make way for your natural evolution. Taking these steps creates energetic waves that WILL change your life.
You can begin listening to your body wisdom at any moment. I find that through a mix of movement, meditation, and breath work that we can clear out the noise and make a better connection to our energy, which is what I’ll be teaching in my class, Inner Listening.
For me, understanding my design gave me the confidence to know I was on my right path and the strides I’ve been able to make by living WITH my design instead of fighting against it has been absolutely extraordinary. Finding and being in community with people who are also working to find their voice and their path? PRICELESS.