Human Design: freedom through living as yourself
Human Design appeals to me because it’s proof that we’re all designed to be different.
As I child I felt so frustrated that my peers didn’t see how silly “favorites” were. Why limit yourself to one of anything? Didn’t they see how arbitrary picking one thing and elevating it over another was?
Why do we decide that one thing is important and special to the exclusion of other things?
This question has nagged me my whole life.
When I found Human Design I felt relief.
Relief that someone was finally seeing something my way - that we all are designed with unique talents, gifts, and views that bring something into this world.
Everyone is created to bring in a specific energy signature into the world. We all make an impact and play an integral part of the universal plan. Everything is interconnected. Nothing is better than anything else - everything holds value and purpose.
We could have so much more joy in our lives and in the world if we recognized that everyone brings a special flavor of perspective and talent into the world. If we recognized our own talents and didn’t look to try and make our talents look like someone else’s.
The root cause of a lot of suffering is living in the not self. We’re attracted and seduced by what we aren’t. A pothole so many people fall prey to is believing you build character through conquering what you aren’t good at - whether through competitive forces or through believing a cultural narrative that arbitrarily elevates certain career paths and traits over others.
I grew up in the Christian faith and the parable of the three servants is something that bubbles up constantly when I think about Human Design and feeling satisfied in life. We are given gifts in life and it is not about comparing ourselves to others, it’s about using what we have and sharing our talent with others that brings joy and satisfaction.
We’ve been so browbeat by narrative or linear thinking to realize that there are so many ways to be successful.
We will always be seduced by what other people can do because we don’t live in a vacuum. Recognizing that you are attracted to something isn’t the same thing as needing to be that thing.
MY PHILOSOPHY IS SIMPLE (and borrowed from that parable mentioned above):
We’ll all be happier people if we accept who we are and explore what it means to be on earth with the set of energetic tools we’ve been given.
We all have talents, dreams, and wishes for our time - are you following those urges and desires or are you brushing them off?
We’re not meant to live a life to please our families or external sources.
We’re here to express our inner well of joy, creativity, and passion.
Ready to let your inner talents free? Book a session with me.