New Moon in Virgo + Setting intentions + inviting in the spirit of play into your world
I love the new moon for setting intentions. Even though we can set intentions whenever we want, I find that having the backdrop of the moon's energy is like an extra blessing we can use to supercharge our magic. It always feels like a special time to pause and connect within.
I love the new moon for setting intentions. Even though we can set intentions whenever we want, I find that having the backdrop of the moon's energy is like an extra blessing we can use to supercharge our magic. It always feels like a special time to pause and connect within.
My intention I'm setting for this super new moon in Virgo is to play more - as I uproot my perfectionist tendencies, I see the benefit in making time for pure pleasure. The dictionary defines play as engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. Just because we're grown doesn't mean play becomes less important to our own holistic development.
I used to be so over-scheduled I had no idea who I was. I know now it was exactly for that reason - if we're so busy we can't think, we're escaping ourselves, but we're also selling ourselves short. If we're not on earth to find out who we are - then why are we here?
By honoring and exploring our interests and committing to give ourselves time to play, we can open ourselves up to the divine, the bigger picture, and invite magic into our lives.
How are you creating time for recreation and relaxation in your life?
If the idea of using your time for pure pleasure is triggering - dig into that. I found for myself that I didn't believe I was worthy of giving myself time to enjoy what I wanted to enjoy because I was so set on a productivity mindset. Creating space for joy and recreation takes thoughtfulness and time as we strike out the programming that tells us to be practical with our pursuits.
It is worth it to examine your beliefs and carve out time for yourself. Play is an extraordinary gift and perhaps one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. If you need more of a reason than getting to know what you like and enjoying that for enjoyment's sake - then know that giving yourself time to chill out is essential for your mental health and wellbeing.
I invite you to reflect on where you are in your life right now. Take 10 minutes and journal or sit quietly in meditation. How are you showing up for yourself? How would you like to show up for yourself as you progress into Fall?