TL;DR: I have been an Austin resident for 1 month. The magical thing I'm learning is that it's fantastically simple to change my entire life, the part that requires training is allowing my mind to ride along. I'm also getting the answers to a lot of questions I've been asking myself for a long time. Upon reflection, my arrival in July was like the beginning of a Rube Goldberg, setting off an elaborate beautifully timed out chain of events. In quick succession an apartment, two jobs and a relationship all popped up in my path. 

I left Austin in the beginning of August, wrapping up what was likely the most transformative 5 weeks of my life to travel with my mother to Vancouver and Los Angeles for some family time, meeting up with various (almost every single person in our incredibly small) family members over the next 2 weeks. 

Originally, after Los Angeles, I was headed to Spain and Portugal for a week at the end of August to cap off my summer. The idea was to field test my YOLO skills in completely unfamiliar territory, but when it became clear that Austin was in fact the final destination, I chose to pull the plug on Spain and redirect that money to my move. I packed up my apartment over the course of a week, selling off my big ticket items and literally FedExing myself my clothes and accoutrements that I couldn't stand to sell. I got down here to Austin and then next day, bought a car (and by bought I mean financed and by financed I mean that this car will literally be my ride or die until its tits fall off.) The hurricane (Harvey) hit and I started my job two days later. It's been nonstop. I've been experiencing so much change, that I needed some time to regroup and process all of the shifts. 

ERM, wait, that's not the complete story of what happened and why I have been silent Sammy. What happened was I have found myself in a relationship that brings me so much joy, I want to forget about all my earthly responsibilities and just drink in all the joy that it brings me. And so here I am now, popping my head up above ground to be like wow, there's a lot of lessons I've been experiencing and I'm pumped that I'll process them through and tell you about them. I was initially nervous to be honest and open about what's going on, because EEK what if I write about my relationship and then it explodes? But then I'm doing us all a disservice because that's not the point. The point is to get out there and try and that's the only way I can really live! I gotta be brave! 

To recap the top line - Summer of YOLO has certainly lived up to its own hype. Everywhere I turn I see evidence of receiving what I have been asking for (silly things like, I want a boyfriend that will come to yoga with me and big things like I want to wake up and be pumped to go to work even if I only slept 3 hours) so it seems that I have been reaping all the seeds I'd planted through listening to myself and doing my best to LIVE MY TRUTH (I WISH THERE WAS A BETTER WAY OF SAYING THAT, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, THERE ISN'T, SO CRINGE AWAY, I'M COOL). 

And that's the start of the news from the front lines over here. More soon. Stay tuned. 





Jennifer Gage

Writer and Human Design reader in Los Angeles, CA


Obstacles I put up to keep myself from writing
