Receiving a Human Design Reading

When choosing a reader, find someone who resonates with you. Having your Human Design chart read is a deeply personal experience and each reader will interpret your chart with their own lens.

When I read a Human Design Chart here’s my approach:

I see every person as an individual blend of energy - this personal energy creates the fuel for the talents and gifts that are meant to be divinely expressed through you.

When I read your chart, I read it as a whole picture - I see the messages the universe is here to express through you - the places where you have the potential for genius and the places where you are meant to impact the world. 

A reading can become a personally transformative experience as we allow our bodies to hear how magical we really are. 

We frequently downplay our personal magic or don’t realize what our magic is (because we innately think everyone can do what we can do and that’s simply not true!) 

Therefore, I  see our time together in a clarity session as a powerful tool for your growth and spiritual alignment. 

As you ascend into your full potential, one of the best gifts you can give yourself is the opportunity to see yourself through the eyes of a divine mirror.

I provide a reframe on who you are, so you can cut away the energetic drags and free yourself to co-create with the universe. 

You have the power already. My role is guiding you back to your authority and developing trust within yourself. You are the keeper of the keys 🔑 in unlocking your full power, you just need a map.

If you’re ready to work with me - book here!