Posts tagged human design austin
Learning to trust your aura when you’re a control freak

The wisdom of 2020 for me has been all about trust.

As a Projector, my aura strategy is to wait for the invitation. The way I learned to trust my aura was through hindsight.

If I force my will without an invitation, it’s pretty inevitable that things will get real dicey.

As an impatient control freak and (recovering) perfectionist learning to let go of my conditioning that puts pressure on me to do all the things, all the time has been a herculean task, but extremely rewarding as I lean into trusting that I don’t have to do it all.

So this summer, when I was feeling particularly bitter (because all my action wasn’t immediately paying off in the ways I wanted it to), I decided I had one option I hadn’t tried: FULL SURRENDER INTO MY STRATEGY.

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Shifting success to work for you: Navigating the world with an open heart center and swimming against the tide of a productivity at any cost culture.

In Human Design, wisdom doesn’t come from the defined energy, but from the white spaces in our charts.

Ra Uru Hu (channeler of the Human Design System) said it best when he said the white space is where we go to school.

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Receiving a Human Design Reading

When choosing a reader, find someone who resonates with you. Having your Human Design chart read is a deeply personal experience and each reader will interpret your chart with their own lens.

When I read a Human Design Chart here’s my approach:

I see every person as an individual blend of energy - this personal energy creates the fuel for the talents and gifts that are meant to be divinely expressed through you.

When I read your chart, I read it as a whole picture - I see the messages the universe is here to express through you - the places where you have the potential for genius and the places where you are meant to impact the world.

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