Human Design 101: How to find your Human Design Chart


Let’s start at the very beginning y’all! You’ll need to get your bodygraph chart to find out all the juicy information about your design.

Whether you are doing the DIY route or have been working with a Human Design reader, knowing how to find your Human Design chart is a really helpful tool to have!

Think of your chart as your map.

To create your own bodygraph, you’ll need 3 critical details:

  • birth date

  • birth location

  • accurate birth time

All 3 elements are needed to create an accurate chart.

Just like when you are getting your astrological natal chart, our bodygraph is created using the location of the planets. We want the most accurate picture for the most accurate reading.

Where do I find this information?

For most of us, this information is on our birth certificate. However, if your certificate is missing your birth time, you might just have a short-form copy. If that’s the case for you and you live in the United States, request a long-form birth certificate from your state’s record office.

If you want to create your own chart visit and follow the instructions to create!

ACK! I don’t know my birth time!

If you are missing your birth time or are just guessing, know that your chart isn’t going to be perfectly accurate. However, the big things - like energy type (aura) are likely correct. If you’re in a pickle over creating an accurate chart, reach out! I’ve had success working with clients who don’t have an exact birth time available to them. I am happy to work with you directly and we will create your chart based on what we do know.

Ok, I’m making my chart - how do I make sense of what I am seeing?

If you’ve used the website I’ve recommended, along the sidebar (or if you’re using a mobile, press the information tab) you’ll find a list of the elements in your chart.

Take note of your energy type, your strategy, and your authority. These elements have the biggest impact. Learn more in my other 101 pages!

Have questions? Find me on the ‘gram and slip into those DMs!