Human Design is a Compass for our Wellbeing

What I love about working with my clients and Human Design is that we always end up at the heart of who you are. I see Human Design as a cosmic compass pointing to who we were all underneath the layers of conditioning and expectations we heap on ourselves (intentionally and not).

Sometimes we need a reintroduction to who we are and sometimes all we need is permission to embrace what makes us special. The beating heart of my sessions is a constant - we can run from who we are, we can bury who we are, we can hate who we are - but we are who we are.

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A Way to Use Human Design

The ultimate goal for knowing your Human Design is to have a better life, NOT to be knowledgeable about your Human Design chart.

Human Design is an incredible awareness tool that helps us move with life (instead of fighting against our nature). This awareness prompts us to let go of our resistance as we allow life to flow through us.

There is no stopping the information you can consume in Human Design, but if you aren’t internalizing it and using it to relax into who you are, you aren’t maximizing what Human Design can do for you.

To get the most out of Human Design, use your understanding as a layer in your spiritual and personal development. In my own life, I was able to take my insights from Human Design and use them to eradicate limiting beliefs and ultimately that is what I am here to facilitate for you. Nothing else has made it so clear for me to take the leap into trusting myself.

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Jennifer GageComment
Designing Your Environment to Work for YOU

Creating a supportive environment is essential to both your productivity AND your wellbeing.

We feel successful when we’re happy and supported.

As you set up a space that feels supportive (or evaluate your current #wfhsetup) consider where you work, what you need to do in this space, what supplies you need, and how you want to feel so that you are setting up a supportive and functional workspace.

Where? The first order of business is establishing your home base. If you’re designing a space to support you, start by taking note of where you find yourself throughout the day: do you have an office space but conduct your day from your kitchen table, bedroom, or couch?

Note where you work and where you like to work - are these the same places or different?

Embrace where you like to be and work with your habits. Too often we work against our natural inclinations instead of embracing our natural rhythms.

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Learning to trust your aura when you’re a control freak

The wisdom of 2020 for me has been all about trust.

As a Projector, my aura strategy is to wait for the invitation. The way I learned to trust my aura was through hindsight.

If I force my will without an invitation, it’s pretty inevitable that things will get real dicey.

As an impatient control freak and (recovering) perfectionist learning to let go of my conditioning that puts pressure on me to do all the things, all the time has been a herculean task, but extremely rewarding as I lean into trusting that I don’t have to do it all.

So this summer, when I was feeling particularly bitter (because all my action wasn’t immediately paying off in the ways I wanted it to), I decided I had one option I hadn’t tried: FULL SURRENDER INTO MY STRATEGY.

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Understanding the Sacral Center - do I know when enough is enough? perfectionism, burn out, performing life, and arbitrary goals

Do you know why I love Human Design? It has built-in signposts that we can use to evaluate if we’re balanced and in our authenticity.

The not-self themes of the energy centers and aura types are incredible tools to evaluate our wellbeing.

We don’t need to learn everything there is in our charts, we just need to understand some key elements. One of those crucial elements - especially in our culture of productivity and more is more? THE SACRAL CENTER!!

When we’re out of balance in the sacral center - or swept up in someone else’s sacral energy - we can massively overdo things.


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How Human Design has completely changed my life

It wasn’t until I found Human Design that I was able to put all the pieces together of self-care, self-love, and self-trust. Human Design gave me the framework and the understanding of WHY these things were important. I was meditating, I was working out, I was eating healthily, but my mind was trapped in a lack mindset that was bringing me a F#ckton of suffering.

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The Projector aura is here to know the other. It’s what we’re designed to do while here in these earthly bodies.

If you are a Projector, understanding how your aura works is critical intel for your health and wellbeing. Why? Projectors operate so differently from the other energy types. Finding out you are a Projector is usually a watershed moment in your personal timeline.

The Projector aura is shaped like a knife. Extending outward from your heart, it reaches out to the other. This energetic shape gives Projectors their ability to see. Our aura cuts through the other auras to see directly to the heart of whoever is in our direct path.

This makes us powerful, but as they say, with great power comes great responsibility. And just like a knife, it cuts both ways. We can get ourselves into a lot of trouble if we don’t learn how to properly utilize our auras. As a Projector, there should be an oath to protect our aura like a doctor takes the Hippocratic oath. First, do no harm.


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New Moon in Virgo + Setting intentions + inviting in the spirit of play into your world

I love the new moon for setting intentions. Even though we can set intentions whenever we want, I find that having the backdrop of the moon's energy is like an extra blessing we can use to supercharge our magic. It always feels like a special time to pause and connect within.

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Zibby: Have you ever thought of that?

Jesse: Thought what?

Zibby: How everything in life is basically improvised. There’s no script, we’re just makin’ this up as we go.

Jesse: That’s true.

Liberal Arts*(Elizabeth Olsen, Josh Radnor)

How does your higher self communicate truths to you? Mine sends me messages through little scenes from obscure movies like this one. As I watched the scene unfold, I was struck. What if life is one big improv show?


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