Shift into Your Body, Shift into Your Innate Worth + Connect with Your intuition

Letting go of weight loss, your ‘ideal body,’ and why loving yourself as you are right now is the key to getting through to your intuition

The biggest myth we face in our culture right now is that changing your external body will shift your internal worth.

OOF, this crock of SHIT… Y’all, if I could wave a magic wand right now and fix one thing, it would be to lift the veil and show anyone that believes changing their body will change their confidence how flawed that logic is.

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Human Design isn’t another skill you need to add to your growing to-do list. You innately are already living your design.

A lot of our internal suffering is rooted in the not self. We’ve been conditioned to act differently than what is natural to us - so the push and pull of our conditioning and the wearing of false identities we think we need to survive is typically what is causing our strife.

Understanding how you were designed brings you back home to yourself.

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